2010: Reverse Resolutions

January 10, 2011
I’ve been joining my sweet sister Amberlyn for the past several years in posting my
Reverse Resolutions
We look back over the past year to see what we’ve accomplished then write out each accomplishment as though it were a goal we had written last January. It’s nice to look and see what we’ve accomplished.
2010 Reverse Resolutions
Be a passably good mother and wife (hi hubby and kidlets!)
Make enough art for a Solo Show (Tues 11th – gallery walk!)

Build my blog readership (hello friends!)
Drastically cut back my sugar intake and lose 30lbs
Get my Etsy shop up and running

Schedule 2011 teaching events in advance
Book Alyson Stanfield to come teach an Art Marketing Workshop next May in Raleigh


  • Reply
    Judy Warner
    January 10, 2011 at 9:34 pm

    May 2011 be as happy and productive for you!

  • Reply
    Ruth Anne Olson
    January 10, 2011 at 2:20 pm

    I love the idea of reverse resolutions. There's no pressure to stick with something that's already been accomplished.

    Sometimes I put things on my daily to-do list that I have already done. It's a good feeling to see something in place of what has been scratched off for lack of time (or will).

  • Reply
    January 10, 2011 at 1:04 pm

    What a great idea! It is the only idea about making resolutions that hasn't appeared everywhere on the internet (blogs, websites etc) over the last several weeks.

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