Faces on Friday

February 11, 2011
 At a meeting.
 At the airport.

From an ad for Lion King while on the plane.

At a quilt guild. Sorry ladies – these don’t look anything like you and next year I definitely need to work on hands.

On the plane again.

Last week Sandy asked how to draw noses and how to draw expression. I told her that if I knew I’d let her know. My sister did send this link last week from Lackadaisy’s website. I love, love love, this graphic artist. It’s a great little tutorial on how to draw expressions.
As for noses? I’ve been trying is to pay close attention to the shape of the tip and rough that in first. Getting it in the right place is another story. I see progress – and much work left to do. But the important part? I’m having fun doing it!


  • Reply
    February 15, 2011 at 4:19 pm

    Thanks Lyric, especially for the link to expressions. I had only been able to find anime before, which is a bit too specificly anime for what I had in mind. (I had a book I borrowed from my son's shelf when he went to uni, but before I got to really use it, I found he sold it on ebay for money for some other interest. oh well!)

    I have some ideas for 'not people' faces…I think they live in an imaginary place in my head! LOL so, the very humanised animals on the lackadaisy site is great.

    So, I shall work on noses this month I think!
    Sandy in the UK

  • Reply
    February 14, 2011 at 4:43 pm

    I recognize those ladies too! It was fabulous to have you at our guild, Lyric.

  • Reply
    Sally Westcott
    February 12, 2011 at 6:22 am

    Your faces Wonderful.

    You are tempting me! I've drawn one (my second youngest grand daughter). That was my very first face! Ta for the prompt!

  • Reply
    February 11, 2011 at 9:17 pm

    Love your faces. You are making good progress and getting lots of practice. Thanks for the Lackadaisy link! Right now, it is just eye candy, though. 😀 Oh, for another hour…

  • Reply
    February 11, 2011 at 6:25 pm

    I recognize the nose… glad you missed out a couple of the chins…

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