Work In Progress: the digital camera as a design tool

January 30, 2013

Here is another piece in the little series I’m working on. In the small works I create I’m inspired by the materials themselves, in this case a few lovely scraps of hand made lace and some lovely rocks. I can picture a woman somewhere with thread and… hook? Bobbins? Shuttles?

I haven’t chosen final placement of these sweet little stones. I do mean sweet. Something about them is so beautiful that I think of candy when I touch them.

A tool that I encourage all of my students to make use of in the design process is a digital camera. Lay out various design options and take a digital picture of each one.

As you look at the thumbnails all together, or prints of each photo side to side, it can be obvious which options are not viable.

I’m leaning towards this iteration although I’m sure I’ll spend a few lovely moments choosing the perfect stone for the perfect spot. What do you think?

1 Comment

  • Reply
    Jane LaFazio
    January 31, 2013 at 3:01 pm

    love this series, and those sweet rocks! xo

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