Congratulations to the winner of the Art Postcard Jayna – who wants me to send it to Judit. Love that act of kindness!
and to Jaclyn, the winner of the QA Gifts & Gadget case. It must be a “J” kind of morning!
Remember this? I wrote about it, oh, forever ago.
It’s been taking up space in my studio, or the hallway, or wherever I move it to while I’m trying to work. Ages and ages. OK I just checked – almost exactly one year. I didn’t know what was next so I ignored it.
And then I was wasting time actively seeking inspiration on Pinterest and came across this on New York Carver.
I love it when that happens! Wasting time isn’t alway wasting time – sometimes it is necessary to allow time for daydreaming, for connections to bubble up to the surface, for that thing called inspiration to happen.
June 10, 2013 at 7:27 pmlove circles. this is awesome!
Suzanne Gwynne
June 8, 2013 at 6:12 pmThat “wasting time” thing is called “noodling” in this household and is very important to all of us creative types! I think up the best things just before I fall asleep at night and when I rest in the afternoon. I can rest now that my kids are grown and flown; it’s the best noodling time for me.
I love the circles. I love all circles really but especially the ones that look technical or old-fashioned.
June 5, 2013 at 7:33 pmFun! I have alway been a big fan of Frank Stella and his use of circles/arcs in his paintings. I think it is because of the energy the arc imparts, or I am just a circle kind of gal. Love where you are going with this. Have fun!
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