So I’ve been working on a few blog posts for you and was going to show you some of the fun surface design techniques I love to play with – but I got distracted. I’ve been on a cleaning binge – clearing out the giant piles in my studio.
As I dug around in five different places looking for the textile paints I was after I decided to reorganize my storage and put the paints all in one bin. One that is actually right next to my work table. Smart eh?
And then I realized how many duplicates I have and spent several hours consolidating jars. I discovered many that were dried up. I’ve been gifted with lots of paint from other people clearing out their studios – and some paint was just so well hidden that I never found it in time to use it. For me – being disorganized not only wastes time, it wastes space and materials. It always feels great to clear things out and be able to find them again.
And perhaps you’d appreciate this tip. This tool is a jar opener from pampered chef. I had one of those flat rubber opening thingies (yes that is really what it’s called right?) but it had dried out or something and instead of being sticky it was slick. Didn’t work. This works like a charm. Those little teeth grab right on and I can get a good grip on the handle. Sweet. Now I’ve got my paint down to two useable bins, rather than five or six messy drawers all over the place.
Today I’ll get to work…. and try not to get distracted again!
September 14, 2013 at 12:10 pmStoring the paint upside-down – a great idea that sends me scurrying to put it into practice!
Kathleen Wilson
September 12, 2013 at 1:05 pmI wish I had that much paint to lose or organize. On second thought, I do have a lot of oil paints but they stay in my artist bag so I always know where they are. It’s the mixed media supplies that I can never find.
September 12, 2013 at 8:44 amHello Lyric, it is overall the same – I reorganized my tiny stuio as well yesterday. It was similar…. paints in different places …. 😉
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