So apparently my “less is more” functionality lasted about 1 month. Or at least until my teaching schedule started. Since then I’ve felt completely overwhelmed again – too many things on my plate. There is a ton going on behind the scenes with getting the new DVD’s ready for you.There are family things that are taking up more time than usual. Or I suppose – that IS the usual. There are other things in the works for later on in the year that are taking up time now. So the “less” part this past month or two has been blogging.
So it’s nice when the things on the “to-do” list are fun. And it’s even nicer when they serve more than one purpose. These little sweetlings are samples for a class I’ll be offering at the International Quilt Festival this October called “Photos + Foil = Fun!” It will be one of those fun, I bring everything for you, kind of classes.
They are also running off right away to Susan Brubaker Knapp who may or may not show them on one of the mini-demos she’ll be busy filming soon for the next season of Quilting Arts TV. She’s going to demo how to use foil with thermofax screens. (You can find the butterfly wings thermofax screen here.)
In case you missed the news – Susan and I will be teaching a retreat together at the Once In A Blue Moon retreat October 1 – 3 in beautiful Black Mountain, NC (near Asheville.) There were only 11 spots left last time we checked so if you were interested you might want to send in your registration form now! I’d LOVE to see you there!
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