It’s that time of year again… getting ready for Houston!

October 25, 2016

More often than not October finds me in a mad scramble to get everything ready to teach at the International Quilt Festival in Houston Texas. It really is an amazing event – I call it the biggest slumber party in the world!img_9322

Every other day the dining table is covered with a different mess of supplies and sundries. It’s always best to provide kits for your classes in Houston with students flying in from all over the world. Literally. All. Over. The. World! I’ve had students from South Africa, Brazil, Australia, all over Europe, and even Turkey!img_9397

At the same time that I’m supposed to be getting ready the Professional Art Quilters Alliance – South has a retreat at the beach. I packed everything up and off I go… to watch the sun rise over the water.


Then make hundreds of bead kits. Just F.Y.I. I do believe that working on the floor instead of at my table is the best way to go from now on. I did not knock over one single bowl of beads this time to go bouncing across my studio and hide in every nook and cranny and embed their tiny little selves in the bottom of my bare feet. It was downright miraculous.


So I spent several 12 hour days making kits and then making samples. And looking at the waves and the sky. This western girl loves the lush trees of the Southeastern US but still heaves a sigh of relief every time she gets a view.


And food. And friends.
Because that’s what quilters do and who we are.

(and boy do I need a haircut!!!!)


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