making the world a better place: my Rare Bear story

October 11, 2016
kinard_rare_bear3The cloth for this bear is very subtly dyed then screen printed with an image of the handwritten notation of a fiddle tune collected by a folklorist in the Appalachian mountains. This cloth was also used as the background for Bach Suite I, my favorite quilt creation so far. It features a hand painted cello with the same wings as my bear… beautifully patterned but tattered and worn. 
There is something soaring and soulful about the imagery of tattered wings. Perhaps they still fly, perhaps not. If you are a musician you know that the appearance or age of the instrument does not determine the beauty of the music it produces. It is the soul and the struggle of the hand that touches it, joined with the skill of the craftsman who created the instrument that creates soaring beauty. It is the support of the teachers who taught the musician and the craftsman. It is all of these people coming together with their talent, their inordinate amounts of time and sacrifice, to share the music that uplifts us and soars.
Even a battered old instrument can produce soaring melodies with the touch of a master.
The children who suffer from rare diseases have bodies who might feel broken and tattered like the wings of this bear, but their souls are touched by dedicated masters. Their parents, their doctors, the researchers and also those who contribute funds so that research can take place – they are all masters that struggle and labor and sacrifice so that these souls, the precious souls can have a chance to live and perhaps have the chance to share the song of their futures with a world that needs their beauty.

I hope that you will participate in the


You can see all the bears posted thus far at the link above.
The auction will be held both on-line and in person at the
International Quilt Festival in Houston TX
November 2 – 6, 2016


If you will be in Houston you are invited to join us at the  Beary RARE Affair!  Stuff a RARE Bear for a RARE kid, Meet Celebrity Quilters and get a chance to win a Simply Red BERNINAand many other gifts!

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