Rosie the Riveter as Power Sewer

Become the Artist of Your dreams!

March 14, 2019

You know that feeling you get when you look at your current work and it’s not quite right but you can’t put your finger on why? Let’s fix that. Right now. 

Let’s wake up your Artist’s Eyes!

You Can Do It!

Rosie the Riveter as a Super Quilter

The perfect class to teach you the Visual Language opens on April 1st.

The Artist's Toolbox online with Lyric Kinard

After you have designed the composition, everything else you do is merely execution – not that execution is by any means trivial, but virtuosity of execution is for naught if the composition is wanting. 
-John Gargano

Level UP your design game!

Learn to use the Elements of Art
April 1 – May 31, 2019 online
Register Now

I like to describe it as kindergarten playtime, but also a course that is a seriously informative and IN DEPTH study of composition. Gaining an understanding of the elements can be an exciting revelation for an artist. Being able to articulate and understand what you already know can help you to see your work, and the world, with new eyes. It can help you move your unique vision from your mind out into the world where you can share it.

FAQs and Lesson Schedule

Register HERE

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