Artwork: Wild Child

February 22, 2022

You know how sometimes things get a little out of hand? Sometimes you get an idea and run with it. Sometimes it runs with you instead.

Wild Child was an experiment with raised dimensional beading.

Original Artwork: Wild Child Under the Sea
8.5“ x 8.5″ matted and framed
dyed, stitched, beaded
Available in my shop for $125

Those shiny lines dancing up on top of short and tall bugle beads. They just kept going, and going, and going…..

And I had the perfect gem to add into the mix like a jewel hidden in a glorious bed of seaweed.

What does it make you think of?

If you are interested in learning how to create this technique for yourself, I teach how to do it in my on-demand course. It’s full of lovely dimensional beading techniques. The instruction is both written and video and once you purchase it you get all the lessons at once. Access is long-term (as long as I’m still teaching.)

You can register here

1 Comment

  • Reply
    Patti Maxwell
    March 6, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    My first reaction after “Wow!” was the feeling of a wave receding back after crashing on the shore leaving behind shells and spectacular treasures.

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