Lyric Kinard: Educator, Author, Artist
I'm on a mission to help you gain confidence in your vision as an artist!
I transform cloth into art in my studio and timid spirits into confident creatives in the classroom. I'm on a mission to help YOU find your own unique vision and voice. It doesn't matter if you've never had an art class, or even if someone, somewhere, told you that you aren't creative. With the right teacher and a determination to do the work, you can become the artist you always secretly wished to be.
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Lyric Montgomery Kinard is an award winning quilt artist with a passion for sparking the creativity that she knows each of her students possesses. With playful support and gentle encouragement she creates a classroom environment where discovery and joy are the products of a willingness to freely play and fearlessly learn.
One of Lyric’s greatest joys is sharing that moment when a student realizes that they do, indeed, have a spark of creativity inside them. She then gives them the tools to fan that spark into a steady flame.
As a recognition of her skill in the classroom she has been named the IAPQ Teacher of the Year for 2011. She is the author of the book Art + Quilt: design principles and creativity exercises. She has written extensively for Quilting Arts and a number of other magazines, appeared on Quilting Arts TV, and The Quilt Show, and is co-founder of the Global Quilt Connection.
In her past life she was a musician, earned a BA in English Literature from the University of Utah and has also formally studied architecture. She currently lives in Cary, North Carolina with her husband and some of their five children.
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Artist's Statement
My goal as an artist is to remind humanity of the strength it possesses. In a world where too often, the images we feed ourselves are full of violence and fear, I strive to uplift. In a many layered process I gather and arrange intriguing materials both old and new. I marvel at the way plain cloth is transformed as it absorbs dye and paint. The meditative process of mark making with thread allows me to physically connect with and truly see and understand my materials. Slowly, order emerges from disarray, beauty from chaos.
The tactile nature of cloth, its texture, richness and malleability are what have drawn me to this medium. Fabric has a history almost as old as humankind; from birth to death we wrap ourselves in cloth. It brings us comfort and protection. It defines our individual identities.
Quilts hold a particular fascination for me. During a time when creative women were restricted from becoming artists, quilts became an acceptable means of expression; works of art imbedded in an object of utility. The cloth I layer and stitch is freed from utility. The artwork I create from cloth becomes a statement about the role of women, about the world around us and our vital place in it.