They are funny and bright and creative.
They came home from school last week all excited about a jump rope event – a fundraiser for the American Heart Association
raising funds to help other kids with heart disease.
Instead of just sending an email to friends and family I thought of Virginia Spiegel’s wildly successful efforts for the American Cancer Society and had an idea. I’m constantly flooded with the art the kids produce. If I kept it all we’d be buried to our necks in it. (I take a picture of them holding it then quietly put it in the recycling while they are at school. If they miss it we can pull it out of the bag.)
So, dear friends. My kidlets have are willing to work for a cause. If you donate $5 they will draw a valentine picture just for you.
(You’ll need to send me a quick note at lyric (at) with your address so we can mail it off.)
I asked them to draw something with a heart on it.
Kidlet #4 drew several.
That’s her operating a robot.
Kidlet #5 works a little more intently and drew this.
That’s him going over a jump on a motorcycle
So – want to encourage my little artists in their altruistic endeavor?
Would you like to help my kids help kids have healthy hearts?
Leave a comment here – it will come to my email and I’ll send you an email from their donation page.
(and thanks – from the bottom of my heart!)
February 5, 2012 at 3:43 pmI'm in – I love supporting both good kids and good causes!!
Jane LaFazio
February 5, 2012 at 2:13 pmI would love a hand-drawn valentine and will gladly donate to the kid's cause. xo
Jean Baardsen
February 4, 2012 at 1:28 pmI tried this, but when I was signing up, I first had to pick the state, which I knew was North Carolina (I live here too), but then I had to pick the school, and I had no idea. I don't know what other roadblocks they might have – that's as far as I got.
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