direction selfie Lyric Kinard

Online Course: The Artist’s Toolbox

January 10, 2020

Opens Jan 31, 2020

Artist's Toolbox online pt 1

After you have designed the composition, everything else you do is merely execution – not that execution is by any means trivial, but virtuosity of execution is for naught if the composition is wanting.
-John Gargano

The Elements of Art are the building blocks for every piece you create. It doesn’t matter if you consciously think about each the elements as you create or if you design intuitively from start to finish. Every single work of art you see and create is made of various combinations of texture, shape, line, color, and value. They are the basic five-letter alphabet of the visual language.

Registration is Open Now


The Elements of Art is one of my favorite classes to teach.  It’s fun like kindergarten playtime, but also a SERIOUSLY INFORMATIVE, IN DEPTH and INTENSE study of composition. Gaining an understanding of how the basic elements of texture, shape, line, color, and value function in a composition, can be life changing for an artist, especially if you are not formally trained. If you have been to art school, this refresher is presented in such a clear and easily understandable way that you will feel you are learning it for the first time.

Being able to articulate and understand what you already intrinsicly know can help you to see your work, and the world, with new eyes. It can help you move your unique vision from your mind out into the world where you can share it.

There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.  -Jiddu Krishnamurti

Whether you have a formal background in art or are completely self taught, this course is something you can truly benefit from. Check your calendar and save the date!

Registration is Open Now


Lesson Schedule:

  1. January 31: Welcome, Course Philosophy, and Preparatory Materials
  2. February 3 : Live video conference with Lyric 9am EST
  3. February 7 Texture
  4. February 14: Shape
  5. Break/Catch Up (no comments from Lyric)
  6. February 28: Line
  7. March 6: Color
  8. Break/Catch Up (no comments from Lyric)
  9. March 20: Value
  10. March 27: Wrap Up
  11. Break/Catch Up (no comments from Lyric)
  12. April 3: Lyric’s last comments on student work.

Lyric’s last comment on student assignments will be October 31st but the classroom will not close. You will have permanent access to these lessons and be able to refer back to them as long and as often as you wish.

Lessons will consist of written material, assignments, and instructor feedback.


wake up your artist's eyes


Q: How does the class work?
A: You will log into Ruzuku to access the course. Each week a new lesson will open consisting of both videos and written instruction. You will need to have an internet connection to stream the videos but can download the written material to peruse at your leisure. In the bottom of each section of the lesson there will be space for you to post your work and interact with the teacher and other students.

Q: Do I need to know how to draw?
A: NO! We will use pen and paper but Lyric will show you exactly what to do. This class isn’t about drawing, it’s about learning to see and understand what it is you are seeing.

Q: Do you require special supplies?
A: No, you most likely already have everything on hand. If you own a sketchbook, use it. If not, plain paper is great! Use whatever your favorite medium is to create the studies for this course. Acrylic on board? Great! Cloth and thread? Wonderful! Collage paper and glue? Fabulous!

Q: How much time will the class take?
A: I would love it if you spent one hour each week on the exercises. You can delve much more deeply and really get into each lesson if you’d like, repeating and refining your skill and strengthening your understanding as an artist. The more work you put into your individual study, the more you will learn and grow.

Q: I’m half-way across the world in a different time zone. Will I miss half of what is going on?
A: Not at all. The beauty of online classes is that you can come to them at your convenience. There is no “live” element to this class that you will miss.

Q: I’m out of town during a week of the class, what will I miss?
A: Nothing. You can catch up when you get back. All lessons will be there the rest of the class and you can post your work at any time while it is open. I will comment for two weeks past the last exercise (a total of 8 weeks) so there is a little wiggle room. The lessons themselves will remain open to you permanently.

Q: How much interaction is there from the teacher?
A: Lyric will comment on posted assignments until April 3rd The more you post, the more interaction you will get. Lyric will respond to each individual student, but also formulate her responses to the benefit of everyone in the course. Please read other student’s questions and answers as you they might ask something you hadn’t thought of.

Q: Is the content downloadable?
A: Only the written content, available as PDF lessons i available to download. You can download them as soon as they are released or wait until the end of the course when they are available in one continuous file (great for e-readers). The videos are not downloadable but you will have permanent  access to them after Lyric’s involvement in the class ends.

Q: What do I need to know about using a computer?
A: You’ll need to photograph or scan your assignments and save them as a jpeg. You can upload your pictures from your computer or devise to the online lesson. There is a video when you start class, that explains how to use the online classroom. is very helpful and you can email them with any technical questions.

Registration is Open Now


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